31 Jul 2022, 1st travelling meetup in Liaoning, China

:world_map: PROVINCE: Liaoning
:world_map: CITY: Shenyang
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: K7505 train, Shenyang-Benxi
:calendar: DATE: 31 Jul 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15:30-20:30(5 hours, can be lasted until coming back to Shenyang)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Take K7505 train to Benxi, Liaoning
Sign our postcards on board
Share experiences about Postcrossing
Enjoy meal after the journey with K7505 train
Grab an EMU train back to our home

1st travelling meetup in Liaoning, China——Teenage Memories (I)
It is a 3-person meetup, I, the organizer of this mini journey, know about other 2 friends in my high school in the past 2 years. We have lots of similar hobbies, and suddenly we found that we are all users of this platform. We always stick together, take care of each other when in need, however, after graduation from high school, it is too difficult to meet everyone on deck. As we are all transportation lovers, we finally design to meetup on a train with meaningful postcards for us. By the way, our first meeting took place on D7605 train heading to Benxi, and we are all for the first meetup in that place, as the founding of Postcrossing Meetup Benxi, China.
We want to meetup again, to let every piece of valuable memory more vivid. It is not only a meetup, but also a film, showing our stories and teenage memories again.


Is this meeting open to other members to join you or just the 3 friends?

Postcrossing Team

Sorry for late reply.
It is more likely to be a private meeting, as the time of this meetup was decided 24 hours before the train leaves, I would do apologize for any inconvenience caused.



I am sorry but the use of the Postcrossing logo is not permitted or given in this instance. As it is a private meeting then it isn’t open to other Postcrossing members and so isn’t a Postcrossing meeting.

I realise the date has passed and this issue couldn’t be sorted before the meeting as you only gave a few days notice.

Any future use of the Postcrossing logo on meeting postcards must be for Postcrossing meetings that other interested members may wish to attend.

You also need to give 14+ days notice so that any issues have time to be sorted out.

Postcrossing Team

I do apologize for any misuse of Postcrossing logo, caused by leakage of rules and many reasons. I did a detailed reading about logo usage and meetup rules after receiving your massage, which let me know more about that.
By the way, I never been an organizer of Postcrossing meetup, but a participant, always. I’d try my best to avoid this kind of error happening again. Besides, would you like to take a look on another meetup posted by me if anything not suited to rules occured.
Thanks so much,

Thanks so much. Can’t wait the meetup in Anshan