30 May 2024 - Denim meeting No. 80 Belgorod

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Belgorod
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Pushkin Library-Museum, ave. Vatutina, 4
:calendar: DATE: 30.05.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00-18:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: May 20, 1873, Levi Strauss & Co received a license for the sole right to produce trousers with rivets on the pockets. This date is considered the official birthday of jeans. Belgorod postcrossers decided to dedicate their next meeting to this date. And for the postcard, they chose the work of an artist from Belgorod, Oksana Glushchenko. She makes her paintings from the remains of old jeans, taking care, among other things, of the environment. At our meeting, there is a dress code - guess what?))) We will definitely come in something made of denim - trousers, shirts, baseball caps and sign our greeting cards.

20 мая 1873 года фирма Levi Strauss & Co получила лицензию на единоличное право производства брюк с заклепками на карманах. Вот эта дата и считается официальным днем рождения джинсов. Этой дате белгородские посткроссеры решили посвятить свою очередную встречу. А для открытки выбрали работу художницы из Белгорода Оксаны Глущенко. Она делает свои картины из остатков старых джинсов, заботясь в том числе и об экологии. На встрече нашей действует дресс-код - угадайте - какой?))) Мы обязательно придём в чём-то из джинсовой ткани - брюки, рубашки, бейсболки и подпишем наши встречные открытки.


hello! i would like swap your card! i can offer this:


I am very glad that our topics coincide! I will be happy to exchange with you! And tell me, is there no way to send it to our 20 participants of the Belgorod community? Can we change it to something else? We are ready to offer a lot of things))

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I am ready to negotiate by mail: arina18@narod.ru

Lovely card, i would definitely love to receive a card about Jeans :jeans:

Mundoo, hello! I am very sorry that I delayed my answer, but we live in a border region that is under fire all the time because of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Therefore, it is difficult both with Internet connection and with time. I will ask you to make an exception for this postcard not for this reason. The fact is that this is not a blue background - it is a denim fabric on which the applique is placed. The artist, a young girl with hearing disabilities, makes such paintings with her own hands from old denim. This is a photo of her work, not the blue background on which the postcrossing logo is placed. Otherwise, we don’t break the rules: 1) I posted the post 2 weeks before the event; 2) we placed the logo on the front and an indication of the registered trademark on the back. So please understand and make an exception this time - allow us to use this postcard. Moreover, we do not have the funds to redesign it and re-print it. We hope for your understanding. Thanks in advance.

After some deliberation and considering the closeness of the event I have added the meeting to the Postcrossing calendar.

The issue of the logo has a second potential problem which is that it may not be adhering to the size rules. Without seeing an actual postcard and using a ruler I have no idea if the logo is too small.

That and the blue background are problematic (denim can be a grey :slight_smile: area). You can see how the Genova Jeans meeting postcard used the logo without detracting from the denim theme.

The postcard design has been accepted this time (with reservations) but I request that future designs using the Postcrossing logo be submitted before printing so that we can check them please.

Postcrossing Team

Dear Vicky, Thank you so much for your understanding and support! This is so important for us, especially in such turbulent days as we have now." Yes, I saw the Genova Jeans meeting card (and I’m glad that we came up with the same idea in parallel - to make a meeting dedicated to the jeans Birthday!). But they just used the “image” of a denim piece of fabric. And in our case, it is a finished work of art. And I didn’t want to change the colors. which his young author used in her collage, which she made from natural pieces of fabric. Perhaps the logo is small in size, but this is again due to the fact that I did not want to take my attention off the picture. I promise that from now on I will coordinate the postcard layouts in advance, and I will try to follow your recommendations exactly. God bless you!
P.S. I will show you 2 more paintings by our artist. We printed them just like that, not for a meeting.

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Dear friend! I got your postcard, it’s beautiful! I hope you’ll get mine soon! Please write when you have it in your hands! With warm greetings, Irina