30 June 2023 - Meetup in Sastamala

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Sastamala
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Puistokatu 1 38200 Sastamala
:calendar: DATE: 30.6.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: To write postcards in a local cafe/restaurant during the Old books festival. I’ll add the actual location once I know how many participants there will be. The meetup will has its own meetup card. Sign up by email ninakristiinahilden@gmail.com and also let me know how many meetup cards you want. They’re 0,40€ each.

Kirjapäivämiitti Sastamalassa. Miittiin tulossa oma miittikortti.Tarkempi paikka selviää kun tiedän osallistujamäärän. Ilmoittaudu viim. 25.6. spostilla ninakristiinahilden@gmail.com ja kerro haluamasi korttimäärä. Ne ovat 0,40€/kpl.

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i have these card.can we swap?


Hi @s1mon this is our meetup card in Sastamala

I can swap with you to that meetup card of yours. Just send me private message.

Hello! I was in the Curitiba Meetup yesterday, do you accept to swap with Me? <3