30 Apr. 2023 - Postcrossing meetup in ZiBo

:world_map: CITY: ZiBo
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: KFC(F1 Floor, Ginza Shopping Plaza, 51 Renmin West Road, Zhangdian )
:calendar: DATE: 30th Apr. 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00-11:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
This meetup is for four people.Three postcards will be provided at this time.

Would it be possible to trade a postcard for one of these meetup cards?

This appears to be a closed meeting if it is only for 4 people. How can 4 people have a selection of 3 meeting postcards for such a limited and restricted meeting?

Also adding the details to the forum 2 days before the meeting does seem to indicate it is a closed meeting.

How many postcards of the three designs were printed?

Postcrossing Team

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Please answer my questions.

By not answering you put all future meetings in jeopardy.

Postcrossing Team

I am still waiting for an answer to my questions please.

Postcrossing Team

Please answer my questions.

By not answering you put all future meetings in jeopardy.

Postcrossing Team


Dine Together

Due to the administratorโ€™s questioning, I will not organize any more meetings. Postcrossing logo will not be used in future meetings, as this comment proves.