2nd March 2024 - Saint David's Day Meetup Cardiff


As promised, I called into the castle today.

Once someone has purchased a ticket to go inside the buildings and museum they can leave (for example, to visit the tourist shops or arcades) and reenter the castle/grounds as long as they hold onto their ticket.
Entry to the grounds only (courtyard,cafe, shop) is still free.

The castle cafe has (maybe) 8 tables indoors, and the outdoor seating will also be available by St Davids Day.
They are happy for a group, but would prefer us to book in advance. The booking would be free assuming that we eat their food/ drink their coffee etc. We would be expected to confirm numbers 2 weeks in advance ( but there doesn’t seem to be a problem with some flexibility- they just need to know how many tables).

Please let me know if you would like me to make a provisional booking, or if there is anything else you would like me to do in preparation for the meet-up.


@claireandivy thanks for the updates. Dinosaurs and postcards are lots of fun. :tada:

@xxxxyyyyzzzz thank you for the inquiry, great to know that we can go out and come back.
Yes please, you can take care of the booking with the cafe. I appreciate your help :blush:

I would say purchasing postcards before the meeting would be a good option, so they can be signed as well.

P.S. I will start to work on the design of the postcard this week. :crossed_fingers:t5:


Yes please, you can take care of the booking with the cafe. I appreciate your help

I will call in on Thursday. I know that there are not many people signed up yet. Can you guess at numbers? (It’s only my 2nd meetup so I have no idea what is normal )

I’ll check back in this thread as I am sure that you had a time in mind.


Let’s book the reservation for 10 attendant and we confirm the number before the 2 weeks.

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~10 for 1pm

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It’s in their book now.
If there is anyone with an Extreme allergy it would help them to know in advance, but i do think that they mean extreme.

I hace said that i will confim numbers 2 weeks in advance


Thanks, you’re a star✨

Postcard Alert!
Behold the St David’s Day Meetup postcard :blossom:


I love that you have put the wording in Welsh too! :wales: I will definitely want some please!!


It’s brilliant!

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Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your meetup and thank you in advance.

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Hi, can i swap?

I can offer cards from our meet up
or swap album


Or all cards on google

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Hello, dear Postcrossers!

I am Dianna. I’m from Russia.
I wish to swap)

My postcards album: SWAP – Google Drive

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I would like to come to the Cardiff postcrossing meetup on 2nd March and would like to purchase some of the meetup postcards. It will be a first for me so I am not 100% sure how it works. Do we just arrive at the given time at Cardiff castle ? Do I have to sign-up for it officially?


Hi Jenny!
I would like to attend the Cardiff meet-up, if there’s a space. I’ve been waiting to see what my diary is like & I shall be staying with a sister in Wiltshire. This means that travel to Cardiff by train is quite straightforward, as long as there are no problems on the railway.
Best wishes,


What a great news!
You just need to show up at the day!
Bring a pen to sign in the postcards or your personalised stamp/ sticker.
I just need to know how many postcards would you like.

The more the merrier!
Glad that you can join us!

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@Tiggywee @moonraker_girl I had added you both at the attendants list. Xx


It’ll be my first meeting too, looking forward to meeting you all!

Could I order 20 postcards?

Anyone have a recommendation where to order a little rubber stamp from?