29 July 2023 - 🇧🇬 Varna, Bulgaria Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Varna, Bulgaria
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Beach club “Mentol”, Varna, Bulgaria
:calendar: DATE: 29.07.2023 (Saturday)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 18:00 (UTC+2)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hello all,

We are organizing a small beach meetup this summer in Varna and we’ll be happy to meet you. We’ll design a meetup postcard in the following days and post the design here.

The plan is the following:

  • We meet at the beach club “Mentol” on the beach on the first row of tables in the sand
  • We take the little train along the water front
  • We finish the meetup at beach club “Wake Park”

If you don’t want to take the little train from “Mentol” to “Wake Park” and prefer to come directly to Wake Park, send me a DM to coordinate.
Meetup postcard, if you want to order:

Confirmed participants:

  1. StaniZae
  2. Capreequarius

Hi, I’m Nathalie from Chile. I would like to exchange a postcard. Let me know if you’re interested.
Here in my city the beach is full of seagulls! I love them.
Greetings from Latin America,

Could we exchange?

My offers:

Hello, I am xinyu, would you like to swap with me?My offer #g4444xy

Hello! I am insanely late to this topic, as I got into postcrossing only recently and I’m still very new to this. I only now learned about the meetups and I’m from Varna myself! Is there a chance you still have any of these postcards left? I’d love to have one! Sorry for writing here in the comments, I can’t find a way to message you personally.