29 July 2023 - Spirited Away fan meeting in Vladimir

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Vladimir, Russia
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Patriarchal garden, ul. Kozlov val, d. 4A, Vladimir
:calendar: DATE: 29.07.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
An hour before the start of the meeting of postcrossers for all comers, a tour of the garden will begin, which will last at least 45 minutes. From 12:00 in the governor’s gazebo, we will gather to sign beautiful postcards, discuss our common favorite anime. Let’s treat ourselves to ripe cherries, exchange surprise envelopes.
We will be glad to everyone! You can also sign up on the club page
in VK - Запись на встречу 29 июля 2023г | VK


Hi to everyone!
My name is Vladimir, and I am happy to hear that one PC meeting will be held in the city with the same name :heart_eyes:
I would like to visit city one day, I hope. :sunflower: Until than, can I ask someone from participants to send me one PC meeting card? I can send in exchange something from Serbia :serbia:
Just send me PM, to exchange addresses. Also, some postcard with city view is welcomed :pray:
Thank you!