29 January 2023 - Taganrog Meetup dedicated to the 163rd birthday of Anton Chekhov!

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Taganrog
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: “Point 188”, per. Turgenevsky, 2а
:calendar: DATE: 29.01.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 - 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Hey! We are pleased to invite everyone to our meeting dedicated to the birthday of the great Russian writer - Anton Chekhov.

How much the world has changed compared to the time in which the genius of Russian literature was born and lived! And although his characters and themes of his works may be relevant today, the world is still changing day by day!

For our meeting, a postcard was created using the Midjorney neural network. For the first time we tried to create art with the help of artificial intelligence! And our neuro-Chekhov turned out like that!

We want to make one of the quotes of our talented Anton Pavlovich the leitmotif of our meeting: “Take care of the person in yourself!” :white_heart:

Welcome to our community:


can we change the this card?

Буду рада обмену))

Буду рада обмену на Тургенева из Орла!)))

Очень хотелось бы обменяться.
Anmelden | VK обменник

Hi! I’d love to swap for this card. Please dm me if interested!
Postcrossing – 8 张照片 (vk.com)