28 September 2024 – Salt Lake City, Utah Meetup for WPD

Is it too late to RSVP? :smiley:

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Could you send me the link to the Utah Postcrossers facebook page? I’d love to join!

Hello! Is someone interested in swap? Please, message me if you do :blush:

My offers: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/XrED/w5nb8Scqs


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Looks like you’ll need a bigger room! The card is beautiful. I will be there with extra cards to swap.

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I will be attending

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I’d love to swap for this card if someone is willing. :smiley: Thank you.

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we would like to sign up please

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Love the design!
I would love to swap with someone for this meetup card. I can offer my own WPD designs if anyone is interested!

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I’m so sorry I’m going to have to change my RSVP to no. :pensive: I’m having an out patient surgery the day before and I don’t know how I will be feeling. So sad! I wanted to meet all my fellow post crossers!

We’ll miss you but also no worries! Focus on recovering :two_hearts: Hoping it goes well!! If you’d like, you could message me your address– I’d love to send you well-wishes and some meetup cards! And anyway, now I’ve got a reason to organize another one sometime :smile:

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Rad! I put your name on the list :slight_smile:

On the RSVP list :cherry_blossom:

Wonderful! See you there!

We’ve got a bigger room now, haha. Brilliant, see you there :slight_smile:

Not at all! I put you on the list. See you there :slight_smile:

Fantastic!! :blossom:

Oh thank you! Your post card is so beautiful I would love to get one or more. My address is 1647 W Rockaway Ln, West Jordan UT 84088

And I’ll definitely come to another one!

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Hi. I would like to receive your postcard.
Here is my offer https://postcards.framework.by/
Thank you