28 August 2021, Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Meetup in Taipei

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Taipei City, Taiwan
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Meeting room near MRT Minquan W. Road Station (will inform attendees detailed address)
:calendar: DATE: 28th August 2021 (Saturday)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:30 ~ 16:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: gathering, signing postcards.

Have prepared 2 postcards for this meetup, Harry Potter, and Fantastic Beasts. As the pic attached.

Due to COVID-19, the number of participants will be limited. Thanks for your understanding.


if there is a spot I would love to come


Sorry, there’s no vacancy currently. Due to COVID, we’d like to avoid large gathering, and so far we have 15 people already. Might have spots if someone cannot show up.

你好 預計是台北捷運某站附近的小樹屋空間


Yes please let me know. I will be just out of quarantine so I would love to interact with people :heart_eyes: 5 negative Covid tests and a vaccine I will be the safest person there to be around!!

Hello from Germany! I would love to exchange a Harry Potter meet up card, signed if possible. I can offer a meet up card from the Berlin Zoo meet up next Monday.

Anyone willing to swap with me?

Cheers Stancy

I can swap with you! Please DM me :wink:

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15名額額滿沒錯喔 但因為疫情關係 大家都沒100%保證8/28是否能參加 > 目前已訂聚會地點 待8/26會再次詢問大家參與意願 > 可能有名額可以也可能取消不辦實體

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oh wonderful, I’ll write you now!

has a spot opened?

Hi, so far still no. Sorry. Will inform you if any


Has anyone the H.P. card and wants to swap for a Meetingcard from Germany?

@Juanla Hi I still have plenty for swap! Could PM me your offer. Thanks

@liangyi002 我還有很多片呦 還想換的話再私訊我的謝謝

I really want to get these beautiful cards😍
Does anyone want to swap?

Hi Alina, I still have a few available for swap. If you’re interested please DM me your offer. Thanks

Hi! Wow, bwautiful! Is anyone interested in swap? Here are my postcards for swap на обмен – 355 Bilder | VK


send DM :sunflower: