28 August 2021 - DC National Postal Museum Reopening Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Washington, DC, USA
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Smithsonian National Postal Museum - 2 Massachusetts Ave., N.E.
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, August 28, 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1 PM EST
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: This meetup is to celebrate the reopening of the National Postal Museum. We will meet up at the corner of Massachusetts Ave and First St NE (next to Union Station) and find a location to sign and send postcards.

Before the meetup, I would encourage you to check out all that the museum has to offer. It’s a really nice not often talked about Smithsonian.

If you will be attending, please text me in case of metro delays, etc. - +1 (202) 656-4085


I didn’t realize it had been closed. I was actually talking with a friend about going there this past weekend. I guess I’ll have to wait until August 28. :love_letter::love_letter:

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It appears that I cannot edit Postcrossing forum posts. As an update, postcards have been ordered! They look like this:

I have contacted Postal Museum staff about tables. If they are not able to provide tables for us to meet, we will fill out cards in Union Station, which is air conditioned.

Looking forward to the event!


I’ll be there :slight_smile:

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Can we swap

See y’all there!!

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Love the card, Miles! I’m pretty sure I’ll be there. This is conveniently only a few blocks from my apartment. :slight_smile: Thanks for organizing,

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How do meet-ups work? I’ve never been to one. Is there a cost involved to help cover the postcards printed for the event? Should I bring anything in particular? Thank you in advance!!


This is sheer coincidence. I wanted to go to the Postal Museum and picked that weekend. I will try and meet up with everyone!


@anon27245427 Do you still have a meetup card that you could swap with me? I could send you one from our Hamburg meetup in August…

Hello Miles, I will be attending the meetup.

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I just heard from the museum Ed staff and the education loft is closed because of Covid.

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Good morning everyone.

Yesterday I visited the museum, and like @Owney mentioned, the loft is closed. So, after we meet at the corner of Massachusetts Ave and First St NE, we will cross the street and find seats at Union Station.

If you have any issues (metro delays, can’t make it, etc.) you can always text my Google Voice number in the original post.

Happy Postcrossing,

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Sounds like a plan, the March is happening today hopefully there won’t be a problem.

Hello, everyone! It was great to meet you all! I had a lovely time and look forward to the next DC area meet-up. Thank you for hosting, @anon27245427 !

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Hi can i swap? I can offer cards from out meet up or swap album.


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I want to trade for one of these cards please?

Hi, @PleiadianDragon and @gmirach. Did you find anyone to trade with? If not, message me your address and I’ll send you mine with a pick from your albums to trade. Thanks!

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Been wanting to go to that museum. Will keep this on my calendar and hopefully I can come up. If not I’d love a swap. :grin:

Opppssss. Guess that was a while back.