28 April 2024 - meet - up in Moscow

:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Anticafe CheckPoint Myasnitskaya str., 17, p. 2, Moscow
:calendar: DATE: 28.04.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

The program of the meeting includes:
:teapot: tea party
:four_leaf_clover: lottery
:question: quiz

:star: We are glad to see everyone at our meetings, but please keep in mind that postcards must be booked in advance. (Unfortunately, there is not always a financial opportunity to print them with a margin). We also ask you to remember that meetings are primarily communication with like-minded people, not postcards.

Our meeting will take place in an anti-cafe, payment will be charged according to the time of stay. Coffee, tea and cookies are not limited.

If you have any questions, feel free to write to PM :slight_smile:


Hello everyone, can anyone exchange with me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:? I can provide this special-shaped card for exchange, or a photography party card in Shanghai

шикааарно :heart_eyes: надеюсь получится поучаствовать

Hello, swap?

Sure! I want to swap this Meets-up card :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Буду рада обмену ))

Обменяюсь с удовольствием swap meet up — Яндекс Диск

Всем привет, как попасть на встречу? Свободный вход на meetup или предзапись?

Здравствуйте! :slight_smile: Очень хотелось бы получить открытку со встречи. :slight_smile: Вот мои открытки на обмен:Olga Pavlenko’s albums | Flickr

Какая красивая открытка ! Обменяюсь на нашу встречную с Сахалина

Wanna ask if anyone is able to swap this meetup card with me🥹? It’s really cute!
I can use this card to swap👇🏼

Would been send in origin (Taiwan)
Please :face_holding_back_tears:
Thank you all ><

Thanks everyone!
I have found nice person to swap :laughing:


Hi Chen:)
Do you still want to swap? I have this card and its backside is almost fully covered in postcrossing stamps. If you are okay with that, I’ll be glad to swap!

Hi Maritza, Thank you for willing to swap with me
But I have found another one to swap… so sorry not update the information :disappointed_relieved:

If you are interested, we can still swap!
But I only left green type of this meetup card, are you still interested in?

And I would like to receive any special memorial precancel

Looking forward for your reply😆

Sending dm