27 November 2022 - Meet-up in Moscow about Stephen King

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Moscow
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: ul.Myasnitskaya d.17 str.2 “CheckPoint”
:calendar: DATE: 27 November 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will talk about books, play different games and sign postcards


I’d be very happy if someone would swap the meetup card with me!

I too would LOVE to receive this card. In the USA but I can possibly send a swap via Ireland.
Great card. Thanks!! ~Maggie

Hi there!
If you still need it I could send you one - when I get it :slight_smile:

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Если такая открытка у кого-то ещё осталась, с удовольствием обменяюсь. Могу предложить разные встречные Владивостока или любые в инстаграме по хештегу #najongswap :pray:

Hello, I’d like to swap one! My offers my album.

Kindly check:

I will host a meetup for fantastic beasts, don’t know if you’re interested? Thank you!

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Hello, I’d like to swap the meetup postcard since I collect them…
I’ll offer you other Italian meetup cards

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I’d love to swap!

hi! i could swap with you :slight_smile:

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I just wrote you in PM

Hii I interested in swap. ( if anyone wish) i will send you indian special cards

Как можно пропасть на встречу ?

Здравствуйте, как можно зарегистрироваться на встречу?

Hello! We can swap, write me pls in PM

Здравствуйте! Как можно зарегистрироваться на встречу?