27 November 2021 - Mini meeting of postcrossers in Moscow

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Moscow
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Museum Lights of Moscow, Moscow, Armenian lane, 3-5, p. 1
:calendar: DATE: 27.11.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 17.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: A meeting for a small company of postcrossers at the museum. Excursion and interesting communication.
Due to the difficult epidemiological situation and the requirements of QR codes, the meeting is held in a very narrow circle.
Do not write messages in private messages.


Hello Svetlana. Is this postcard available for swap? I can offer a postcard from Cyprus with a theme related to history or nature.

Добрый день. Поищу обмен Мой обменник:

Hello Svetlana. :blush:
I would like to swap this postcard with you, if it is available for swap. I can offer postcards from Madrid-Spain meetups.

Can you show me your offer? I have this card for swap :slight_smile:
