27 May 2023 - A meeting dedicated to the Russian national dish called okroshka

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Belgorod
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Pushkin Library-Museum, ave. Vatutina, 4
:calendar: DATE: 27.05.23
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00 - 18:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: The participants of the meeting brought ingredients and dressing from home, and then prepared different versions of cold soup. Themed postcards were issued for the meeting. They were signed by all participants.


This date has already passed before you added the announcement.

Is the date correct?

Postcrossing Team

Добрый день, а открыточка лишняя со встречи у Вас осталась? Найду для Вас обмен!

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Yes, that’s right. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity to deliver the information earlier. Therefore, I had to post a message about the meeting after it was held. But I understand that I must give people from all corners of the globe the opportunity to offer an exchange. I will be happy to answer everyone.

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When was the meeting postcard designed? That is when the meeting should have been listed here.

Any future meetings using the Postcrossing logo on the meeting postcards must be listed here at least 14+ days before the event.

Postcrossing Team

Добрый день) у вас есть лишняя открытка на обмен?

Thank you for your comment! I will try to post layouts no later than 2 weeks before the meeting. But please take into account - I live in a city bordering Ukraine, my city is shelled daily. I can’t always be in touch, not to mention posting information about the meeting on time. Yes, I understand, these are the rules - 14 days before the meeting! I will try my best. But as it turned out, not everything in our life depends on ourselves. Good and peace to all.


Да, конечно! Жду в личку!