27 July 2024 - meet - up in Moscow

:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Anticafe CheckPoint Myasnitskaya str., 17, p. 2, Moscow
:calendar: DATE: 27.07.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

The program of the meeting includes:
:teapot: tea party
:four_leaf_clover: lottery
:question: quiz

:star: We welcome everyone to our meetings, but please note that cards must be ordered in advance. (Unfortunately, it is not always financially possible to print them with a reserve). Postcards will be distributed at the meeting itself. Those who cannot come will not receive postcards; they will be distributed among the participants at the meeting. Please plan your time in advance. We also ask you to remember that meetings are primarily about communication with like-minded people, not postcards.

Our meeting will take place in an anti-cafe, payment will be charged according to the time of stay. Coffee, tea and cookies are unlimited.

If you have any questions, or to sign up for a meeting, feel free to write in a personal message


Such beautiful postcards. Would love to have both of them in a swap! Have a great time ya all :smiling_face::heart:

Is the Postcrossing logo trademark notice on these postcards? I can’t see it on the images.

Postcrossing Team

Hello! Yes, I have!

Здравствуйте, в вк можно будет найти пост обмена?

Здравствуйте! Можно в том числе и там, но пока обменного поста не было. можно так же и здесь найти обмен) просто пока тут никто не отвечает, так как нет открыток на руках

Beautiful meetup card .
Wish I can get both the cards.
I am ready for swap with meetup cards of India.

All the best.

The ink colour of the Trademark notice is nearly invisible and that defeats the purpose of Postcrossing requiring the notice.

Please make the ink colour much darker for the logo usage to be approved on your meeting postcards.

Postcrossing Team


Hello! corrected

Thank you for updating the trademark notice

Здравствуйте, Как записаться на встречу, подскажите пожалуйста :smile_cat:

Здравствуйте! Никогда раньше не была на встрече посткроссеров) можно мне тоже прийти?

Здравствуйте, не нашла поста обмена в ВК, напишу сюда, на всякий случай. Мой обменник: https://vk.com/album165833756_286976575
Ищу обмен на обе. Можно написать мне здесь, или в личных сообщениях в ВК.

Напишите мне, пожалуйста, в ВК @kate_kolchina

Здравствуйте! Конечно) напишите мне в ВК @kate_kolchina