27 January 2024 - Snowy cat in Kurgan

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Kurgan
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: cafe “Culture”, Kurgan, ul. Lenina, 32
:calendar: DATE: 27.01.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13-00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: First meetup in 2024! We’re going to sign cards, drink tea and greet our old postcrossing friends from other cities, who come to visit us this time from Surgut and St.Petersburg


Who would swap a Meetup card with me?
I have cards from Meetup in Alpirsbach January, 13rd.

Thank you

My pen pal is from Kurgan. He lives in Germany and I would like to surprise him.

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my name is Maria Teresa and I write from Italy. I collect cat postcards and this one is beautiful; i would love to have it! Who wants to swap with me write to me; I have lots of postcards for exchanges, tell me what theme you are looking for.
Thanks and I hope someone writes me.
Maria Teresa

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I wrote to you in pm

I wrote to you in pm too