27 February 2022 - Polar Bear Day

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Barnaul/Altajregion
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: prospect Stroitelej, 117 (3 floor) GALAXY
:calendar: DATE: 27 February 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12 (UTC +7:00)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: tea drinking, socializing, playing, special postcard


PM sent

Have a joyful, successful Polar :polar_bear: Day dear @Yulja_N :hugs: I will think of you: the 27th of February is my birthday :blush:

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I would love to swap for this card. :smiley:

Hello Julia, would you swap with me?


One of my favorite animals is the Polar Bear! This is beautiful!!! Would you like to swap, or anyone else in your group? I would love to have one of these cards. :heart::heart:

Hello, hobby colleague. I agree. Write down the address.

I like the first postcard. My address: 656015 Russia, Barnaul, Socialisticheskij prospect, 114-75 Julja

Hello, hobby colleague. I agree. Write down the address.

Hello, hobby colleague. I agree. Write down the address. What kind of postcard do you offer me?