27 april 2024 - Postcrossing meeting Antwerpen

6xA 6xB 6XC

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Voor mij graag 10 kaarten van elk. Bedankt!

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Sorry, I was sick. I would like 10 meetingcards from A and 10 from B

No cards for me, either.

I will not be able to attend this meetup :grimacing: so, give my spot to someone on the waiting list (and no meetup cards for me).

Hopefully I will be able to attend next time (next year?).

We will be waiting for you next year :wink:

@Popomus Je bent verhuisd van de wachtlijst naar de deelnemerslijst :partying_face:

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Hello Lara and Mieke,

I would like 10 of each, please :slight_smile:

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Super :slight_smile: Ik zou graag 10 x A, 10 x B en 10x C hebben aub… mag op de dag van de meeting zelf!

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Ik ga rechtstreeks naar het restaurant, ik zie jullie daar.

Ik zou graag 21x A hebben. Je mag me die op de meeting zelf geven.

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@bencoste you are now on the participations list :partying_face:


Thanks a lot !

It will be my first Postcrossing meeting in Belgium.

I would like to order 15 x postcard A, 5 x postcard B and 5 x postcard C.

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Ik kom rechtstreeks naar restaurant

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Unfortunately I have to cancel this meeting. Wishing you a lovely meeting day in April and hope to see you at another time in the future.

No problem. I’m sure we will meet again somewhere else :slightly_smiling_face:

@Beetlemail_t Je bent verhuisd van de wachtlijst naar de deelnemerslijst :partying_face: Leuk dat je er bij kan zijn :slightly_smiling_face:

Yoehoe, wat leuk! Ik bekijk vanavond de kaartjes en zorg voor de betaling. Dit is mijn eerste meet-up. Ik kijk er naar uit!

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The postcards are there!

This weekend I will prepare the envelops/package for send out!

I need to have from this people the adress or the postpoint and their email.

Pls contact me @chrisskywalker, @elbe @Vanreth @Evike86 @Natasjake @elena_gloverr @Kathleen1963 @Minttuinkeri @Postsmurfin @

If you just have an envelop for send your cards, your adress is enough, but if you have a package than you need to send also your emailadres/ phonenumber, point (inside belgium), outside Belgium ( the adress)

If there will someone else to send them pls contact me soon!


Hey, mijn mailadres
Carrefour kuringen te hasselt is om mijn pakjes te ontvangen