26th Nov.2022, meetup in Shanghai

:world_map: PROVINCE: Shanghai
:world_map: CITY: Shanghai
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Starbucks in 金外滩花园店(Near the xiaonanmen station need to walk for 14 minutes)
:calendar: DATE: 2022.11.26
:alarm_clock: TIME: From 13:30pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: 1.Chatting with each other and writting postcards
2.Relax yourself with a cup of coffe and make friends with others
3.Select ourselves PC cards on site and send them out


Wow, I love these postcards! Can we swap for Disney princess? Обмен – Google Drive

I will be glad to exchange ))

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I’m new to postcrossing, and I love princesses since childhood! I’ll be glad to exchange if you like something :slight_smile:

looking for an incredible postcard with jasmine

Hello. I really want such beauty in the collection. I want to exchange :heart_eyes:
:green_heart: my postcards for exchange are here
на обмен / swap – 226 Bilder | VK - rest
Встречные на обмен – 28 Bilder | VK - meetups
SWAP - Мои авторские открытки на обмен – 38 Bilder | VK - my arts

Hello. Looking for swap, here is my offers - Общий обменник – 998 Bilder | VK Встречные на обмен – 29 Bilder | VK. HP - Гарри Поттер на обмен – 198 Bilder | VK

Hi, can i swap?

I can offer cards from our meet up
or swap album

I will gladly exchange these postcards.
My exchanger - Anmelden | VK

Буду рада обмену:
РАЗНОЕ – 278 Bilder | VK
МИР ПОСТКРОССИНГА/MAIL ART | СП Анна Яковлева – 92 Bilder | VK

Looking for swap on this amazing postcards, here is my offers

Hey! I’d love to swap for this card! Please dm me if interested, I can offer you VarSiPolka’s Paper Space | VK

Hello! I really want to exchange for these postcards.

Please take a look at my offer.
Common exchanger Swap — Яндекс.Диск
Postcards from meetings Swap meet-up cards — Яндекс.Диск

Looking for Mulan and Jasmine postcard :slight_smile:
I’ll be so happy to receive them!
Here are my postcards for swap:
Meet-up: Swap Встречные / MEET UP – 67 Bilder | VK

Swap1: Swap – 80 Bilder | VK
Swap2: Special swap – 48 Bilder | VK

Feel free to contact me via instagram as well :relaxed:: toria_postcrossing