26 June 2022 - Southeast Wisconsin Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Bristol, Wisconsin
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Bristol Woods County Park Shelter #1
9800 County Hwy MB
Bristol Wisconsin 53104
:calendar: DATE: June 26, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1pm to 3pm cst
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

It’s been a year. Let us catch up, swap some stories, and sign some postcards. It feels so good to connect with everyone. There will be postcards available to purchase. Bring your snacks and sunblock. Shelter will be covered. It is handicap accessible. Restrooms are attached to the shelter. This park does have walking trails available as well as outdoor activities for after the meetup if anyone is interested.

Please RSVP either on the postcrossing site or email me at patty.wojtach@gmail.com to help create a communication tree in case of inclement weather.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!



I’m planning on coming, barring any unforeseen schedule upsets. Will you post on the Madison postcrossing Facebook page as well?

Going to try to be there!

I posted on several. I missed that one. I will post later today.

Looking foward to seeing you.

Awesome, I’m so looking forward to it! Are there other Facebook groups for Wisconsin postcrossers? I haven’t found any others, but please feel free to DM me if you know of other ones, I’d like to join them! Thanks!

I tried searching for the WI Postcrossing (Postcrossers) on Facebook & couldn’t find it. Can you post a link, or the name?
Thank you!!

The only one I know of is the postcrossing Madison group on facebook!

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