26 February 2023 - International Polar Bear Day

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Saint Petersburg, Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Library of growth and career, loud hall. St. Petersburg, Moskovsky pr., 150
:calendar: DATE: 26.02.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 16:00 - 20:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: February 27th is World Polar Bear Day.
The night before, we will meet with the city’s postcrossers to sign a special postcard. Which depicts the she-bear Khaarchaana from our Leningrad Zoo.

Записи на встречу/открытки и обменный пост, будут размещены тут (ближе ко второй половине февраля): Уютные посиделки СПб | VK


ищу обмен :slight_smile:
на обмен / swap – 281 Bilder | VK - разное
Встречные на обмен – 51 Bilder | VK - встречные
SWAP - Мои авторские открытки на обмен – 35 Bilder | VK - мои авторские

Привет! Предлагаю обмен

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Hi ^^ I collect anything zoo related. I would love to have your beautiful card in my collection :heart: Maybe anyone can trade with me. I also have a meet-up card from a zoo

Hello :heart:
I still have this postcard. Where can I see your offers?