26 December 2021 - Houston Holiday meet up

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Houston
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Campesino coffee house
2602 Waugh Dr, Houston, TX 77006
:calendar: DATE: December 26th, 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 3pm Central Time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hello! It is time to hold a meet-up again in Houston!

For those of you interested in a meetup card, I will not be making a special meet up card, but I can send one out (free for domestic, for international you can send me a holiday card, covid, or any other ones you find interesting, I will not be picky.) Masks are highly encouraged for people that are not vaccinated, and as always keep a good distance. Bring any cards you want signed. See you then!


I"m unable to attend but could someone send me one please?

For everyone going, I’ll be in the patio at campesinos. Send me a private message if you need my number.