26 August 2023 - Meeting in Grignan (Drôme)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Grignan (Drôme - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Lavoir de Grignan
:calendar: DATE: 26.08.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
10h : meeting point
10h30 : castle visit -10€ (optional)
12h30 : lunch
14h30 : postcards and fun

J’aimerais assister. J’habite dans l’Ardèche pendant l’été.

Nous vous accueillerons avec grand plaisir.
Si vous êtes sur Facebook, je vous propose de rejoindre ce groupe sur lequel est créé l’évènement du meeting.
Cela vous permettra d’avoir les infos : Postcrossing francophone | Facebook
A bientôt.

Members are not required to use a different platform to indicate their interest in joining a meeting.

The Postcrossing Forum is where information needs to be updated and members can indicate interest here.

Many members do not use any social platforms etc.

Postcrossing Team

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It was only a suggestion but all the informations will be given here.

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may i request you for a meetup postcard at my address in France. i will reciprocate appropriately.
we wish you a great meetup in advance.

Je vous enverrai volontiers une carte du meeting.
Donnez moi votre adresse en privé et je ferai de même.
Amitiés de Provence.

For the ones who want to join us, let me know here !!

Merci @Mamanclaire

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Greetings from China! I’d love to swap this card.
My offer is about some cards of Shanghai.
Here is the link: Yunjia | Zonerama.com

hello! some one would like swap with me? thank you very much