26 August 2023 - Meet in Košice

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Košice
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 86 Main Street to the Karczma mlyn restaurant
:calendar: DATE: 26. august 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

On Saturday 26 August 2023 we will meet in Košice at the National Theatre in front of the historic town hall at 59 Main Street. From there we will walk along Univerzitna Street to Miklus Prison. We will take a look at this museum and move right into the next courtyard, where the house of František Rákoczy - Rodošto is located. After visiting it, we will go by foot to 86 Main Street to the Karczma mlyn restaurant, where the actual meeting will take place.


Hello everyone!
I would be very interested in exchanging the beautiful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your meet up and thank you in advance.

@zuzulik @leehill Thank you very much for the beautiful meeting cards with special stamps! :smile: I really appreciate it! :hugs:

Many thanks to Zuzana ( @zuzulik ) and everyone who signed the beautiful meeting card which arrived today. There are some new names among the signatures!

I am glad my friends received the cards, it was a pleasure to send them.