26.08.2023: International Dog Day Meetup in Warsaw

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Warsaw, Poland
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Elektra Art Cafe, Dobra 31, 00-344 Warszawa, Polska
:calendar: DATE: 26th of August
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 (local time)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
We are gathering to celebrate International Dog Day in a cafe in the center of Warsaw.
We will be signing meetup cards (designs attached below) as well as chat and get to know eachother. During the signing there will also be a Warsaw and Postcrossing-related quiz!
After the meetup we are planing on going to the Warsaw University Library as well as the Vistula Boulevards (if the weather allows) to do some exploring.

If you are interested in joining (and are set on it!) , please let me know ahead of time as I have made a reservation in the cafe and would like to avoid having unannounced people joining us as the place will be packed already. Thank you for your understanding!


I will be glad to exchange ))
If my links never open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

I’d love to swap for the dog day!

My offers:

Hello! Looking for a swap for both cards!

My meetup cards offer: Offer: Meetup postcard | Zonerama.com

Looking for swap .from the meeting cards . :grin:we have meeting at 21.08.

Hello everyone!
I would be very interested in swap both beautiful cards.
My offers:

Enjoy your meetup and thank you in advance.

Hello! I’m looking for a swap for a dogs card. If my links never open, then I can offer many different postcards to you :slight_smile: