26.08.2023 "Animals of Russia" - Meet-up in Tula

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tula, Russia
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 9 May street, 1A
:calendar: DATE: 26.08.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Tula region decided to support the project “Animals of Russia” and are ready to present postcards with two inhabitants of the Tula region (woodpecker and vole mouse).

At the meeting we will sign postcards, talk and drink tea

Тульская область решили поддержать проект “Животные России” и готовы презентовать открытки с двумя обитателями Тульской области (дятел и мышь полёвка).

На встрече мы подпишем открытки, побеседуем и выпьем чаю


Beautiful Woodpecker

Такие красивые. Ищу обмен на обе
Обменник 1 Gallery.ru / tadrala - Альбом "Postcrossing Exchange 1"
Обменник 2 Gallery.ru / tadrala - Альбом "Postcrossing exchange2"

I love the woodpecker!
Would love to swap.

Очень ищу обе :sunny: :sparkles:
Обменник: Посткроссинг: обмен/SWAP – 80 Bilder | VK

Ищу прекрасного дятла)

Hello everyone, can anyone exchange with me smiling_face_with_three_hearts?

I can provide this special-shaped card for exchange, or a photography party card in Shanghai.

Hello! Have you got other copies of the cards? Especially the one with the mice? I am from Italy. My offer: