25th Dec 2023;兔耳Tour meet up in Qingdao Shandong

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Shandong
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Qingdao Mangrove Resort World No. 3588 Binhai Avenue, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province
:calendar: DATE: 25th Dec 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 20:00-21:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: This is the first time that the @兔耳Tour has meet up in Qingdao, There is one postcard for the party on 25th Dec 2023. Just bring your stamps, stationery and seal, and you can join our activities! ! !
:world_map: 联名省份: 山东省
:pushpin: 联名地点: 青岛红树林度假世界·山东省青岛市黄岛区滨海大道3588号
:calendar: 联名日期: 2023年12月25日
:alarm_clock: 联名时间: 20:00-21:00
:page_facing_up: 联名计划:
这是@兔耳Tour联名团在山东省青岛市的第一次联名。 2023 年12月25日的聚会有1款明信片。只需带上您的邮票、文具和印章,即可参加我们的活动!!!

Hello :four_leaf_clover: :watermelon: :cherry_blossom: :star: :love_letter:
I will be glad to swap, my offer → Встречные ОБМЕН/SWAP – 80 Bilder | VK

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