25 September 2021 - The first joint meetup of Voronezh, Russia and Beijing, China

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Voronezh, Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Caffe Sholle Pushkinskaya 7
:calendar: DATE: 25.09.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
As always we are all gathering together to have lots of fun but this time we are going to do it with our hobby colleagues from Beijing, China. Special postcards prepared from both sides for this meetup will be signed for friends. Also lotteries and games included to our agenda on this cosy autumn day :relaxed:

Наш паблик в ВК ждёт вас в гости, там же вы сможете найти обмены



I would love to have these postcards will be someone to exchange?

My offer https://photos.app.goo.gl/KZ66H5FVKDwrNGoQ6


Hello Voronezh!

Is it possible to swap the 3rd postcard? It’s so lovely! :blush:

hello i like your postcard nr 1 :heart_eyes: i can offer this for swap

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There are two cards only :slight_smile:

@Oceanfun please leave your offer here in order other members of our club could swap with you :slight_smile:

Oh, sorry I thought there were 3 cards here.
I’d like to swap with the 2nd one, if it is possible.
Here are my offers: