25 October 2023 Hohhot China Meetup

CITYREGION: Hohhot. Inner Mongolia , China.
MEETUP PLACE: Hohhot Yuquan Nuo and Muledian KFC(呼和浩特市玉泉区诺和木勒肯德基)
DATE: October 25,2023
TIME: 11:30-13:30
MEETUP PLAN: Have a Postcrossing meetup with some friends.write postcards and send then.

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are you open to swaps?

Do you mean 2024?

If you mean 2023 then this date has passed and the meeting cannot use the postcards with the Postcrossing logo.

Please confirm the date.

Postcrossing Team

Sorry, I wrote the wrong joint time, our joint time is 2023 October 25, please re-check, thank you!

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I really want to swap for postcards #2 and #7. Please, write to me.
I’m from Belarus. This is what I can offer for swap from meetup cards.

Will be happy to swap for the water pollution postcard :purple_heart:

My swap albums:

Main swap album
Meet-up postcards
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings

Best wishes,

Hi! I Looking to trade for these postcards! :gift_heart:
My swap: postcards to swap – Google Drive

Hello! I really want postcards #2 and #7. I will be glad to exchange, I send postcards from Moscow, Russia. I send them with art stamps. Postcards with paintings-illustrations by the artist Vasnetsov on the theme of Russian epics and fairy tales. Reproductions from the Tretyakov Gallery.

Hi! I’m really looking for these volleyball postcards. My instagram with postcards to share @maleva2110_postcrossing

Big hello ! I really liked 2 postcards with a volleyball player. Looking for an exchange Обмен – 80 Bilder | VK
ГП обмен – 44 Bilder | VK

It’s a pity that no one answered me…

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Hello, which one would you like to exchange?

Hello :four_leaf_clover:
I will be glad to swap, my offer → Встречные ОБМЕН/SWAP – 80 Bilder | VK


That is correct now take my address down

I’d love to swap for this card:

My offers: