25 March 2023 - World Theatre Day Meetup in Tomsk

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tomsk
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: All the world’s a stage -
supposably Tomsk, Lenina place 4 “Tomsk Drama Theatre”
:calendar: DATE: 25.03
:alarm_clock: TIME: at 16.00 (service entrance from the Epiphany Cathedral)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: the meetup will take place in the theater museum.
We will sign postcards with theatrical symbols created by Diana Kashpor

Good theater is not what is expected, but what surprises. - Mae West

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ищу обмен :wink:Anmelden | VK

Anyone interested for Meetup card swap from UAE please DM

hello, someone would sap with me?
thank you very much

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