25 February 2023 - Meeting on Maslenitsa No. 66 in Belgorod

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Belgorod
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Pushkin Library-Museum, Prosect Vatutina, 4
:calendar: DATE: 25.02.23
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00 - 18:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: At the end of February, Russia celebrates one of the most beloved holidays among the people - Maslenitsa. This is a holiday that has been preserved in Russia since pagan times. The rite of celebration of Maslenitsa is associated with the departure of winter and the meeting of spring. Its symbol is a pancake - it is also a symbol of the Sun. On this day, postcrossers from Belgorod will gather for a meeting, treat each other with pancakes and sign postcards specially issued for the meeting.

В конце февраля в России отмечается один из самых любимых в народе праздников - Масленица. Это праздник, сохранившийся на Руси с языческих времён. Обряд празднования Масленицы связан с проводами зимы и встречей весны. Символом его служит блин - он же символ Солнца. В этот день посткроссеры из г. Белгород соберутся на встречу, угостят друг друга блинами и подпишут специально выпущенные ко встрече открытки.


my name is Maria Teresa and I write from Italy. I collect cat postcards and this one is beautiful; i would love to have it! Who wants to swap with me write to me; I have lots of postcards for exchanges, tell me what theme you are looking for.
Thanks and I hope someone writes me.
Maria Teresa

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Здравствуйте! Ищу обмен. Мой обменник Anmelden | VK
так же есть такая масленица

Hello Maria Teresa! My name is Julia. I can exchange postcards with you! Where can we negotiate with you? maybe you have Instagram or by mail?)

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Привет! Буду рада обмену! Иду в ВК

I send you PM

hello i’d like the meetup postcard
Are you interested in swaping?
Thank you