25 December 2022 - MAPNA 200th Monthly Meeting - MAPNA 2nd Postcrossing Meetup - Madurai

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Madurai
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Victoria Edward Hall, Near Railway Station, Madurai.
:calendar: DATE: 25-12-2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00am.
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
MAPNA’s 200th Monthly Meetup is scheduled on 25 Dec 2022, along with MAPNA 2nd Postcrossing Meetup at Madurai.

Proposed Agenda:
Welcome note by team MAPNA
Celebration - MAPNA 200
Address by Chief Guest (s)
Release of Postcrossing Meetup Card
Signing of Cards
Vote of Thanks.

If you wish to reach the coordinator at MAPNA team, Kindly ping @Madhavan_1982.
His call number is 9865176568.


All the best for the meet up :blush:


Thanks Mr Pee vee sir

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Dear sriiniketh , pls attend this meet up.

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