25 August 2022 Meetup in Zhumadian

:world_map: PROVINCE: Henan
:world_map: CITY: Zhumadian
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Half day tea(Intersection of Zhengyang Road and Xunda Road)
:calendar: DATE: 25 August 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 16:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Write postcard,drink tea,small talk


Hello. I will be glad to swap with you for postcards with girls.


What beautiful :heart_eyes: I will be happy to exchange postcards with you. Maybe you’ll like something Обменник | VK

Very beautiful postcards, I want an exchange
Postcards can be viewed here
Harry Potter Обмен Гарри Поттер – 138 Bilder | VK
Movies / cartoons / series Обмен:фильмы/мультфильмы/сериалы – 49 Bilder | VK
General exchange Обмен общий – 136 Bilder | VK
Vladivostok and lighthouses Обмен: Владивосток и маяки – 22 Bilder | VK

Hello! Looking for the swap!

I will be glad to exchange ))

Hi! I would like to exchange postcards. You can choose ОБМЕН/SWAP | Flickr

they are so beautiful, if someone wants to exchange for 2 and 3, then let me know in private messages😍


Hi! I would like to swap for girls card. Here is what I can offer: Обменник – Google Drive

I would like to exchange :green_heart:
My postcards for sharing in these albums

на обмен / swap – 192 Bilder | VK

Мастерская | by Lasingla | Открытки рисованные (в наличии) – 70 Bilder | VK