25-27 September 2021 - Tula vsechka meeting

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tula
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Octava, Tula/ Polzunova 14/ Radizhnaya 38
:calendar: DATE: 25.09-27.09
:alarm_clock: TIME: (3 days) 1pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

This meeting will be devoted to Tula vsechka craft.
There will be a lecture about Tula vsechka craft, nice moments of communication of postcrossers. The place of meeting is a creative space “Octava” and home meeting of postcrossersin Tula. There is a coffee bar just near the library, everyone can enjoy a cup of coffee with snacks.
We will be happy to see you there. Welcome.


Если у вас остались открытки можно обменяться

К сожалению, открыток не осталось. Тираж разобрали сразу.

Hello. Is this postcard available for swap? I can offer a tourist postcard from Cyprus.