25.08.2023 - Meet-up in Saratov

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Saratov
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Cafe “Drunk Nastya” st. Volzhskaya, 23
:calendar: DATE: 25.08.23
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Pre-registration is required as postcards are limited. After the cafe we ​​will go for a walk around the city.


Добрый день! Хотела бы обменяться на эту встречную. Мой обменник: Простыня — Яндекс Диск

ищу обмен: https://vk.com/album973787_275082479

Ищу обмен:)


hello. i have these cards!can we swap this nice card?