24 June 2023 - Woking Festa Junina Meeting

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Woking, Surrey
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Brasil Tropical, Woking
:calendar: DATE: 24/06/2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

In the month of June, the “Festa Junina” is celebrated in Brazil, and as a good Brazilian, I will be bringing this party to Woking in the form of a Postcrossing meeting :brazil: :tada: :uk:

11:00am - Meet at Brasil Tropical, 56 Chertsey Rd, Woking GU21 5BG

Get ready because we will have games, typical Brazilian food, and bingo (bring a prize if you want to participate in the bingo, worth £5.00).
The plan is to have lunch, sing postcards, and play some games!

What you will need to bring:
~ pen or handstamp
~ a prize worth £5 (if you want to join the bingo)
~ A postcard from your collection that shows some cultural festivity from any part of the world (It’s only to show and tell)
~ cash to pay for the postcard and food

Postcards will be 15p each. Reserve your postcards now.
If you will not be able to attend the meeting but would like to purchase some blank postcards, send me a PM.

:mailbox_with_mail: I will send a message to everyone who signs a week prior to the meeting.

:brazil: What are Festas Juninas or São João?
Popular throughout Brazil, the Festa Junina is now recognized by law as a Cultural Heritage of Brazil Law 14,555, of 2023.
The celebration combines religiosity, music, merriment, food, and typical dances. It is the biggest Brazilian discussion after Carnival.

The origin of the June festivities is in pagan celebrations in Europe, which marked the summer solstice and the beginning of the harvest.
The tradition arrived in Brazil in the 16th century, brought by the Portuguese. It was known as fets joanina, in reference to São João, but the name changed to festa junina, as it takes place in the month of June. In Portuguese, June = junho. That is where the name juninas comes from.

The festivities celebrate three saints: Santo Antônio on June 13th, São João Batista on June 24th, and São Pedro on June 29th.
Santo Antônio is known as the Santo casamenteiro (matchmaker saint) and this is why Valentine’s day in Brazil, which we call Dia dos Namorados, is celebrated in June.
However, the biggest celebration of Festas Juninas is São João on June 24th. The date is so important that it is a holiday in some places in Brazil, as in the state of Pernambuco, for instance.
Festas Juninas is native to Northeastern Brazil, but nowadays there are celebrations all over the country.


  1. Jenny Assis + 1 - 30 postcards
  2. SusChris - 20 postcards
  3. Chrisbonham11 - 10 postcards
  4. Charzevans 20 postcards
  5. Maddymail - 10 postcards
  6. Andry1961 -15 postcards
  7. SashaUA17 - 15 postcards
  8. IntenselyBlue
  9. yellowmoments + 1
  10. Angelthepup22 + 1 - 20 postcards
  11. Binnington - 10 postcards

Potential attendants:


Calling all postcrossers to celebrate the Festa Junina
@charzevans @Maddymail @seaview @Binnington @geo_ @SashaUA17 @sajinghan @ollomol @chrisbonham11 @tashac @autumn123 @mapcardcollector @foxfires @AprilAries @Bluebirch @candyflosscurls @HippieOtter @SillySleepiness @calh @ursulanne @countrysidegirl @Kotorrai @Zari @waatp

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Sadly the morning after a night shift for me :pensive:

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Morning! Thanks so much for the invite but unfortunately I will be away! Next time though :slight_smile:

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Could you sign me up please @JennyAssis ? Thank you!

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I should be ok to attend!! :+1:t4:

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@JustJo @Jonny1987 no worries, maybe next time. :mailbox:

Looks amazing, but unfortunately I won’t be able to go :frowning: Have a fantastic meetup.

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Sounds great but I can’t make it :frowning:

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Soz, can’t make this one either :frowning: I’m in Vietnam (hopefully finding some postcards)

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Wishing you a wonderful experience during your time in Vietnam!

No worries, see you in July!
@redharry, see you next time.

Sounds great fun, but sorry I’m not around that day.

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Jenny, Please add me provisionally to the list :relaxed:

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59K likes, 975 comments - Parada Inglesa (@parada1nglesa) on Instagram: "“We all eat ‘foot of the boy’ (pé de moleque)…”
#festajunina #gringo #gringosplainin..."
Trying to understand what’s a Festa Junina.

I’ll be in the UK on June 24th.
I would like to participate.



What a good news.

Add me to the list, please. I’ll take 15 postcards.

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Jenny, may I have 10 postcards please!

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Hi Jenny, could I have 15 postcards, please?

Cheers, Charlotte.