24 JUNE 2023 - MOSCOW - Picnic in Kuskovo Park

:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Rassvetnaya alley, 34A, Moscow
:calendar: DATE: 24.06.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 9.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
I invite everyone to a picnic in the park area of Kuskovo. We will sign postcards, enjoy the beautiful views of the ponds and the Sheremetyevo estate of the 18th century. An excursion is planned after the picnic!

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Hello, I’m from Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil
I would like to exchange postcards with someone who will attend this event.

In June we will have the Festa Junina event here. I can exchange it for this event or for one from the south region.
This is the postcard for the event, and each region will have its own, in all there are 6 to complete the total picture.

Jessica :smiley: