24 consecutive registrations from 24 different countries.

My last 24 registrations (26-27-28 may) came from 24 different countries. Pretty unusual. Anybody else has done better ?


My streak is only 7. That’s really cool!

Wow! Lucky you!

The most I could manage was 9.

Wow :smiley:

I don’t even pay attention to stuff like that on my own account, but I like it when people who do share interesting coincidences and patterns they notice :slightly_smiling_face:


How cool!

Congratulations! As @littlesthobo, my streak is also seven only… I like this type of statistics :blush

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I checked and I think mine is 11. Not bad, I think…

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Looking at the postcards I’ve registered/received my longest streak is ten different countries…and it’s the first ten postcards I received after joining last September. :partying_face: