24 August 2024 - Meetup in Košice

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Košice
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 86 Main Street to the Karczma mlyn restaurant
:calendar: DATE: 24. 8. 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
On Saturday 24 August 2024 we will meet in Košice at the National Theatre in front of the
Historic town hall at 59 Hlavná Street. We will then move to Puškinova Street to the Orthodox Synagogue for a guided tour and to the Ľudovít Feld Gallery. After the tours, we will move to the Karczma Mlyn restaurant.
The entrance fee for the tour of the synagogue + gallery will be 3.50 €.

11:00 - we meet at the same place as last year - Hlavná 59, it’s next to the National Theater in front of the Historic City Hall.
11:20 - move to Pushkin Street to the Orthodox Synagogue
11:30 - about an hour and a half guided tour of the synagogue and the gallery of Ľudovít Feld. The entrance fee is 3.50e per person.
13:00 - transfer to the Karčma Mlyn restaurant
13:30 - Karchma Mlyn - we have booked a place like last years, the news is that there is already air conditioning.

Program :
11:00 - stretávame sa na tom istom mieste ako minulý rok - Hlavná 59 je to vedľa Národného divadla pred Historickou radnicou.
11:20 - presun na Puškinovu ulicu do Ortodoxnej synagógy
11:30 - cca hodina a pol komentovaná prehliadka synagógy a galérie Ľudovíta Felda. Vstupné je jednotné pre každého 3,50e.
13:00 - presun do reštaurácie Karčma Mlyn
13:30 - Karčma Mlyn - máme objednané miesto ako posledné roky, novinkou je, že už tam je klíma.

List of participants /zoznam záujemcov o účasť:
Ivann / Ivan
Vierka / Vierka
andy1950 / Ondrej
LeeHill / Radka
peta2q / Petra
JanoB / Ján
hanaj / Jana + 1
JarmilaMadarova / Jarka
Solne4naja / Darya
Simea / Sima

Postcrossing postcards meet up.


I might come, depends on the costs for staying in a Hotel.
Greetings from Berlin

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Super, teším sa :slight_smile:

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Shall I send you a postcard from the meeting?

Prídeš? Budem mať pohľadnice, tak si vieš kúpiť meetingové. 0,37 e /kus

That would be great :smiley:
Thank you very much!

Áno, chcem prísť. Snáď trafím.