24.-27.10.2024 - 14. International Postcrossing Meeting Bielefeld


Hurra! Heimspiel-Wochenende! Vielleicht finden sich ja wieder ein paar Leute. Warten wir mal die genaue Terminierung ab :grinning:

Hurray! Thereā€˜ll be a home match for Arminia Bielefeld! Maybe weā€™ll find a few people whoā€˜d like to go. Letā€™s see what the exact date and time will be :grinning:


wie cool
dieses mal wĆ¼rde ich auch gerne mit :soccer::heart::wink:


Weā€™ve booked our flights at last! :tada: Bielefeld, here we go!


Ich will mit ins Stadion.

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Stadion klingt super, aber auch Escape Room und Dr. Oetker. Wo sind noch PlƤtze frei, wo kann ich Neuling mich anmelden?

Der Escape-Room ist flexibel von der Anzahl der Teilnehmenden her und liegt NICHT parallel zu Dr. Oetker (da mƶchte ich nƤmlich selbst hin). :slight_smile:


Ins Stadion kƶnnen alle, die mƶgen, mitkommen. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass wir Probleme haben werden, Tickets zu bekommen - das kann also spontan entschieden werden. Nur steht der genaue Termin leider noch nicht fest.


macht eigentlich irgendwer Meeting-Karten?


ich wĆ¼rde auch gerne mit escaped :grinning:

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:raising_hand_woman: Yes to Dr. , escape room and football

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Since the program for October is already packed and designed with escape room, Dr. Oetker and football, I would hold back my suggestion for Bethel for 2025.
We would then have to give firm confirmations/number of peoplesā€¦ which I could then also take care of in terms of organization.
We definitely have other programms that are listedā€¦ stone painting, crafting, jogging walking, shopping and much more > it will definiteley not be boring!!!
I am looking forward to seeing all of you who are there :grinning:ā€¦ and am sad about you canā€™t be there :disappointed:
Be happy and see you in only 98 days :heart:


I just got another message. The offer for postcards in the junk collection in Bethel / Brockensammlung is no longer available. I happened to be there today and found out that they have removed the postcards from their range :tired_face:ā€¦ how sadā€¦ even for us hereā€¦ what a shameā€¦ and they donā€™t even know how much revenue they are missing out on in October :wink::wink::wink:!
But of course the department store also everything else in terms of second hand and antiques.


I have good news!
There is now a timetable for all the self organised activities, You will find it in the first posting. Still, I wouldnā€™t call this an official program. Itā€™s only intended to provide a better overview.

In this time table you will find the topic ā€œPop-up-Store modern timesā€.
Yes, I was able to convince the well-known postcard publisher to offer a special sale in Einschlingen again.
The pop-up store will be open for approx. 1,5 hour after the first breakfast on Friday.
Spend some money on new postcards or try to escape and go for a walk in the fresh air if you have enough in stock (-:


Gute Frage, wĆ¼rde mich auch interessieren. :wink::blush:

Oh, that is going to be expensive :grimacing: :joy: Looking forward to it :blush:

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I will of course gladly bring everything needed for rock painting in case anyone would like to give it a go.
Iā€™ll set up after Modern Times have left but Iā€™ll leave everything out all weekend so that anyone can help themselves whenever they want.



ich hab da mal was fĆ¼r Euch vorbereitet.
Bestellter ab sofort fĆ¼r 30 Cent / Karte (vielleicht wird altbekannt aus Sammelbestellungen) noch etwas weniger :wink: bis zum 12. September.

Gerne schicke ich Euch die schon vorab, wer mag.


Iā€™ve prepared something for you :grinning:
Order now for 30 cents per card (maybe it will become familiar from group orders) or even a little less :wink: until September 12th.

Iā€™d be happy to send them to you in advance if you like.

ich spendiere der 14 noch ein th :wink: erledigt


Die ist total toll geworden. Deine Karten sind immer so gelungen!

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Oh da wĆ¼rde ich gerne 10 StĆ¼ck von bestellen. Gerne mit Vorabversandt.