24-26th September 2021, meet-up on the Popova Island

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Popova Island - Vladivostok
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Rest house"Volna", Naberezhnaya, 4
:calendar: DATE: 24-26th September
:alarm_clock: TIME: 3 days
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: signing postcards, barbecues, walks around the island

По поводу обмена можно обращаться в ВК Jewgeni Wolodin | VK или здесь.

Postcard for swap:


Hello. Your postcards looks really beautiful. Is it available for a swap? I could offer a postcard from my hometown Paphos.

hello, i like your postcard :heart_eyes: i can offer this

happy incoming birthday :grinning:

Hello! Your card is beautiful! Any partecipant in the meeting would like to swap it with me?

In return I can offer the same card of stefbot75, or cards from previous Italian meetups, or card with stadio Olimpico in Rome, or an Italian viewcard

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Hi guys:
I love your postcards, do you offer for swap? I can send you postcard from Miami!

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