24.12.2023 New Year meet-up in Tyumen

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tyumen
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Поль Бейкери (Республики, 49/1) / Paul Bakery (Respubliki/ Republic, 49/1)
:calendar: DATE: 24th of December
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN chatting, signing cards. + Secret Santa :з

P.S. The New Year’s series of these postcards consists of 6 postcards (5 meetups from different Russian cities plus 1 bonus).


какой кот! ищу обмен Gallery.ru / Все альбомы пользователя tadrala

Hello, I would like to exchange this postcard. I have many Meet Up cards from Hainan, China. If you are willing, you can contact me through this email and I can send you pictures to choose from, 1741474654@qq.com
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Lovely postcard. Would anybody like to swap?

Happy new year 2024.