23 July 2023 - Tsimlyansk meetup dedicated to the development of winemaking in the Rostov region

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tsimlyansk, Rostov region
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: The main Post office of Tsimlyansk, ul. Lenina, 19, Tsimlyansk
:calendar: DATE: 23 July 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
We are starting a series of meetups dedicated to the history and reality of winemaking in the Don region. The first postcard will tell about winemaking in the Tsimlyansky district of the Rostov region and in particular the Usad’ba Sarkel winery.

Rostov region is the northernmost of the wine-growing zones of Russia. Natural conditions make it possible to produce high-quality wines on the Don from both autochthonous and international grape varieties. However, viticulture in the Don Valley is exclusively of the covering type. After all, we have cold winters.
The development of winemaking on the Don dates back to the time of Peter the Great . During these times, grape plantations appeared in the Razdorskaya. The vines were brought from Astrakhan and some European countries - Hungary, Germany, France.

However, the official history of winemaking on the Don is associated with the name of the Ataman Matvey Ivanovich Platov. By his decision, in 1811, a plot of land was allocated for a military vineyard in the village of Razdorskaya on Don, as well as cellars and other necessary (for cultivating grapes and making wine) were built buildings.