23.06.2024 Saint Petersburg very woman

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Saint Petersburg
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Cafe “All good” Bucharestskaya str. 31
:calendar: DATE: 23.06.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will meet and sign a special postcards.


Nice postcards. I would love to have them. Ofc in a swap. Have a great time :grinning::smiling_face:

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Oh I loved that movie as a child. Let me know if you are up for an exchange of the set

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Please add the street name and number of the cafe.

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what a great meetup cards, would love to swap for both…

my swap album with meetup cards: for swap - meeting cards | Zonerama.com

Ищу, обменники
https://vk.com/album24586383_304079472 общий
https://vk.com/album24586383_305576462 встречные

Dear Ms Mundoo @Mundoo ,

Please pay attention to this meeting. It is organized with rules violation.

It is not a mistake that they haven’t specified the place where it takes place. There haven’t been any public announcement about the meeting, it is not reflected in the city’s community of postcrossers. Registration for the meeting has been carried out only through personal messages from the organizer to those people whom he wanted to invite, and not for anyone (I have proof). And here there has not been a registration for the meeting either. Yes, I understand that in big cities it is difficult to place everyone to the meeting due to the limited number of seats in libraries or halls, but in this case it is announced publicly and those who are the first to sign up - get to the meeting. In this case they use the official logo, but the meeting is only for their own people.

Please ban them from using the official logo for violating the rules.

Thank you,

Kind regards,


Good afternoon. Dear Ms Mundoo @Mundoo

It’s a pity that I have to drag you into this strange conflict.

I am the organizer of this meeting. This is my first meeting.

Having studied all the rules for the placement of the logo, I did not violate anything.

I read the recommendations for the meeting.

«1. Who organizes the meetups?

Anyone! Really, YOU can organize one yourself!»

So I decided to arrange the meeting myself.

« 2. How do I start a meetup?»

«It’s a good idea to first check if there’s at least some people who would join. You might already know other local postcrossers, so ask them if they would like to meet over some postcards and coffee!»

I wrote to those postcrossers whom I know a little.

Since I had never held meetings before, I decided to limit myself to the circle of people I met at other meetings in order to discuss in a narrow circle how to hold large meetings correctly.

I prepared a small number of postcards for the meeting, as this was also the first time.

In St. Petersburg, there are many official and non-official meetings every weekend, someone is chasing the number of postcards, not the quality of the meeting. And I wanted to hold a meeting precisely to communicate with like-minded people in a cozy atmosphere. In St. Petersburg there are a lot of people who want to come to the meeting and there are always dissatisfied people, either they didn’t like the meeting or they didn’t get to it.

If I understand correctly, the meeting is held for the pleasure of all participants, including the organizer. Over time I plan to do larger meetings, but first I want to understand how this happens.

Have a nice day.

Those interested can receive these postcards.

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Dear kalisik,

If you have any questions about organizing a meeting, you can always turn to more experienced organizers for help. I will be more than happy to help, as others have helped me in my time, you just need to ask. But you cannot hold a private meeting using cards with the official logo. And MeetUps are registered here on the official website for a reason - that postcrossers from all over the world can attend the meeting if they wish. Yes, we still shall consider the limited number of places in a cafe or library, but everyone should have a chance to get to a meeting, and then it’s up to whoever sign in first.

If you want to host a meeting of your friends, you just simply could use cards without an official logo.

Kind regards,

Good afternoon. We did not refuse to meet anyone. The address and time are specified, the entry was posted 14 days in advance. Everyone can come with their own postcard, since our circulation is limited. We will be happy to talk with those who come.


Dear kalisik,
So you have printed a special postcard for the meeting using the official logo, have done everything quietly, only for your own people. And now when everything is been reviled you invite everyone else to come to your meeting with their own postcards? Do I understand you correctly? What is then the meaning of a MeetUps postcard?

No, you understand the way you want to understand, not the way it really is. I also offered a meeting to someone I know, whose meetings I was at, after 14 days before the meeting, I registered it on this site and when the postcard was registered, I sent it to print. No one else signed up for the meeting or expressed their desire to join, so the number of postcards was printed based on the number of participants. Three days before the meeting, you started making claims that I didn’t invite you, even though I don’t even know you. That’s because of people like you, who bring only discontent, claims and negativity into our world, meetings and organization of meetings cease to bring joy. I believe that I have done everything according to the terms and recommendations on this site. And if you don’t keep track of the calendar of meetings, it’s not my fault. I didn’t hide the ad on the site from anyone!!! Good luck. I don’t want to continue the discussion with you anymore.


It is very convenient to hide behind inexperience and ignorance. However, you very competently placed the exchange post in the largest community as well as in the chat of postcrossers of St. Petersburg.

Funny, you considered it sufficient to post information about the meeting itself only here on the official website, but for some reason you decided to look for exchanges of these postcards in Russian groups and chat! Why not to take the exchanges that are offered to you here?

I also don’t see the point in continuing this discussion - everything is clear and frank - you broke the rules.

Hello! I am interested in swapping both the cards… I am from Italy. My offer:

It is with great concern that I read the discussion about this meeting. I am disappointed that the concerns and allegations weren’t addressed in private email between the members.

I asked the cafe information to be added on 11 June and it was.

The meeting postcard is fine (I assume the trademark notice is on the back?)

Good idea, better to start out with a small group, especially if it is being held in a cafe. I am sure the cafe would not appreciate 100 people turning up!
Participants do need to indicate they would like to attend here on the forum topic which hasn’t happened. Please make sure this happens in any future meetings you organise.

On the face of the listing it does not allude to this being a private meeting. The participants do need to indicate they would like to attend here on the topic, this does help remove the private meeting allegations from arising.

In theory yes but if seats are limited like in a cafe then first to indicate interest get the priority. We do request participants to indicate interest on the forum topic.

That is correct.

The topic was created on 9 June, I asked for the cafe information to be updated on 11 June and the meeting was listed on the Postcrossing calendar on 15 June.

The meeting is tomorrow!

Postcrossing Team

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Dear Ms. Mundoo,
I am sorry that I had to involve you in this matter.Thank you for your time and comments!
We talked to kalisik and the situation was resolved.
Once again I would like to apologize!
Hope the gils would have a great meeting!
Warmest regards,

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