22 July 2023 - Meetup – US Postal System’s Birthday – Philadelphia, PA!

hi! seems like i missed the cutoff for rsvping, but i would love to be added to the waitlist :slight_smile:

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Hi! I would like to be added to the waitlist :smile:

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I am so excited to attend! How many cards should I try to save of my “outgoing” to select for that day? This is my first meetup! I will bring postcards for swapping as well :slight_smile: Can’t wait :smile:


It’s hard to say at this point - depends on how many actually show up. Maybe somewhere from 3 - 6? Of course you can also bring extra postcards of your own, and there is a store with Philadelphia-themed postcards on the walking route between the pub and the post office where you can stock up for another time!


I am interested count me in!!!

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Nancy, Thank you for the heads up about this event. I would love to be added to the waitlist!

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I would love to be added to the waitlist please. This sounds like so much fun!

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Hi, I’d like to be on the waitlist. Thanks.

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PhillyGal - count me in!!!

I want to attend, please move me to the RSVP attending now from the waitlist

So excited! If anyone else is coming from DC, let me know. I’m planning on taking the NE Regional if you want to join me :slight_smile:

I am new to meet up. What is meant by the phrase “save for outgoing?”

I am totally new to meetups. This will be my first. While watching a Youtuber named Snail Mail with Smokey, I noticed that on the message side of a meetup card he received there were rubber stamps. Are people signing meetup cards with a rubber stamp? How many meetup cards can I purchase that day? Can I purchase some and not have tĥem signed,

Is there a place on the Postcrossing website to learn more about the meetup cards and how we process them? I want to be prepared. Thanks for your guidance

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Click the rsvp at the very top of the message not the one at tge bottom.

One of the activities at a Meetup is to “sign” Meetup cards with your username (for you, VitaLynne) - so each card will have many people’s usernames on them (instead of a lot of written text). Lots of people like to buy a (small!) rubber stamp with their username on it or a logo, and they bring colored ink pads - easier on the hands if there are a lot of cards to sign!

We are not selling these cards; we are providing them for free to you guys. So you don’t need to buy cards. I don’t know exactly how many each person will have - maybe something like 3-8. If you want to take some of your cards blank instead of signed, we can work that out.

There is a section on the Forum for Meetups and you can read the posts on it which will answer some questions on how they work. Mostly its to have fun, meet other Postcrossers, maybe trade some cards if you have some you’d like to trade. The signing will go on but not be the only thing we do. There will probably be lots of talking, joking, sharing stories …


Sadly I will not be able to attend.

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Thanks so much for the information. You mentioned a store that sells postcards around the corner from the cafe and en route to the franklin post office. May I have the address of the shop. I would like to buy some postcards there next week


Add to waitlist, please. Thank you!

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Add to waitlist please thank you!

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I’d love to be added to the waitlist as well :slight_smile:

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