22 July 2023 - General meeting Krasnodar - Rostov-on-Don

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Krasnodar
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: The Ordos club
Kommunarov 121
:calendar: DATE: July 22, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Meeting with postcrossers from Rostov-on-Don
Excursion around Krasnodar.
Communication, signing postcards.


Ваууу! Можно я обменяюсь на вторую открытку? Очень красиво нарисованно🙂

Совсем скоро будут обменные посты. Вы есть в ВК?

Hello, I am a user from China. These two postcards are very beautiful and have bright colors. The clothes are very distinctive. I am very interested in these two postcards. This is our conference postcard held on July 15, which shows our Chaoshan intangible cultural heritage - Dawu Clay Sculpture and wood carving, as well as our architectural attractions. I wonder if you are interested? May I exchange it with you? Looking forward to your reply and wishing you a wonderful day. :blush: :grin:

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Очень красивые. Можно обменяться на обе? Мой обменник Gallery.ru / tadrala - Альбом "Postcrossing обменник"

Обмены на эти открытки, можно поискать в группах
Краснодара: Postcrossing | Посткроссинг | Краснодар | VK
и Ростова-на-Дону: Postcrossing Ростов-на-Дону | VK

Добрый вечер)
Обмены на эти открытки, можно поискать в группах
Краснодара: Postcrossing | Посткроссинг | Краснодар | VK
и Ростова-на-Дону: Postcrossing Ростов-на-Дону | VK

Hello. Are you registered in the social network VKontakte?

Sorry, I haven’t registered for this social media app:(