22 February 2022 - Palindrome day meet-up in Velikiy Novgorod

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Velikiy Novgorod
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Collectioner showroom, Chudintseva st , 2
:calendar: DATE: 22.02.2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Communicate and send postcards . Card will be presented later

Note for organizers (delete after reading):
- Always specify the timezone of the event when choosing date/time on the “Add Event” menu above.
- Your first post announcing the meeting must be in English, but the rest of the meetup discussion can be conducted in your own language.
- If you’re creating postcards with the Postcrossing logo, make sure to check the Logo Usage Guidelines.

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The cards
Variant 1

Variant 2


Love to swap

Здравствуйте! Ищу обмен: Обмен – 275 Bilder | VK

Hello! Which variant would you like to swap?

Напишу вам в вк )

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Beautiful cards! Would you like to swap with me? I can offer meetup cards or viewcards from Italy

Hello! Sure, we can swap cards. Would you like both or only one?

I like both cards

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Привет. Хотела бы обменяться на обе открытки.)
Мои обменники тут

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Напишу вам в вк)

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Здравствуйте! Я изучаю русский язык и хотел бы поменяться на эту карту! Могу я отправить вам свой адрес в директ?

Send me a dm for swap

Здравствуйте! Да, конечно

So nice, this meetup is on my birthday!
I’m very happy if someone wanna send me a meetup card! :smiley: :smiley:

hi… hope someone will swap with me :slightly_smiling_face:
here are my cards

or for this Palindrome

may i ask :

  • variant 1, is it a palace ?
  • if yes, i choose it. if not, i choose variant 2


Hello! We can swap cards :slight_smile: I would be happy to swap for this card dance32 | mia carta | Flickr

I can :slight_smile:

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Хотелось бы найти обе этой красоты❤️
Мой обменник

Я напишу вам ВК )

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