21 October 2023 - Madison, WI Autumn Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Madison, Wisconsin
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St., Madison, WI
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, October 21, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 - 3:30 pm Central Time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Get together at the Union to chat and sign postcards. Food is available fo purchase at the Union. The meetup card will be available at the meetup, but not available to be mailed in advance this year.
Please RSVP to this message if you plan to attend.


Will be there! :grin: And would like 10 cards please.

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I’ll be there! I’d like 15 postcards, please. Thank you!

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It’s MEA weekend, so we are planning a couple of days in Wisconsin. Looking forward to meeting you!

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I’m super excited! I let Anthology know that the meetup would be this date. I’ll take 5 postcards please.

Hello everyone.

I’m interested in this Meetup card. They really look really great. I can offer an exchange for German meetup cards. Thank you in advance and I hope you enjoy the meetup.

Cheers Anne

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Would anyone like postcards of the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art building? I can bring them for the free postcard table. I have access to an unlimited supply of them.

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I will be joining. Could you please have 15 cards for me. Thanks.

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There will be a free table and I am sure people would be interested in the museum cards. Hoe do you have an unlimited supply?

I work at MMoCA. They have postcards with their old logo they are giving away for free.


How much are postcards?

Just 25¢ each :slight_smile:

Wow, thanks! And thank you for organizing this!

Could I actually order 18? Thanks.

I plan to be there but sometimes my health interferes. I would like 25 postcards regardless. If you want, I can pay for them in advance.

Hello! Shall we exchange? You can’t ship from the USA to Belarus, but I have an address in Poland! :slightly_smiling_face: my exchanger:


Yes, of course!

I will for sure be able to attend. I requested 25 meetup cards, but I could use another 25 if it wouldn’t be too much to ask.

I’ll be there with my son in tow (since my husband couldn’t get out of work and we are already in Wisconsin …) - we could bring our lunch up to the meeting room, right?

20 cards for me, please!

Are we walking around the capital? Or just starting at 12:00 p.m. and signing postcards?