21 May 2023 - Lipetsk Meeting "The amazing places of the Lipetsk region (a flora and a fauna)"

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Lipetsk
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: cafe “Buffet”, Plekhanov street, 61
:calendar: DATE: 21/05/2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Let’s drink tea and send postcards from the series “The amazing places of the Lipetsk region (a flora and a fauna)”

For an exchange, please write in the comments (not in direct)


I love this card! Would you like to swap? I can offer meetup card of other cards from Italy, including these ones

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Write your address in direct. I am ready to exchange for 1 postcard with Elizabeth II

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здравствуйте, а можно обменяться с Вами? у меня правда нет в наличии открыток со встреч. можно Вам послать взамен что-нибудь другое?

Hi. Lovely meet-up and my birthday, I try to collect many cards with my birthday date on it or written on that day. What would be better and lovely Meet-up cards? Maybe anyone like to trade with me?

here are some of my offer cards. at the bottom are also some Meet-up cards (most with signatures)

I have many more cards availabe for trade only not yet photographed - ask for anything you like and I will see if I can find it for you in exchange :heart:

I can exchange with you. Write me, please, your address in Direct.

I still have postcards from the meeting, I will gladly exchange them. write to direct